
Simply tell you: What are the benefits of rowing machines!

Column:Company news Time:2021-03-10
Many people doubt that boating can lose weight. It's ridiculous to sit alone and want to lose weight! But it's absolutely true. .....

Many people doubt that boating can lose weight. It's ridiculous to sit alone and want to lose weight! But it's true. The American College of Sports Medicine points out that if you want to lose weight, you should row for 60 to 90 minutes every day. And the longer you exercise, the more calories you burn, and the fat on your body will fall off. Foreign scholars have pointed out that if your weight is 56kg, you can burn 510 calories per hour by boating, and the larger the weight base, the higher the calories you burn. In addition, you can try high-intensity interval training, and increase resistance in a short time or fast rowing can achieve rapid fat loss. Of course, no matter what kind of exercise, you can't overdo it, so can the rowing machine. When you suffer from insomnia, joint pain and even slight heart discomfort, you should have a rest, because you are overtraining! Exercise heart and lung function In fact, swimming, cycling, boating and other aerobic exercises can exercise heart and lung function, and strengthen the heart and lungs by raising heart rate and keeping high-frequency heartbeat. Rowing machine is a good aerobic exercise, but many people don't know how to improve and keep their heart rate. In fact, as long as you put your resistance to a relatively low level, and then start boating at high frequency for a long time, it won't be long before you send your little heart to jump plop and plop, and you will enter an aerobic state. Moreover, the rowing machine will mobilize most of your body's muscle groups during exercise, which can also help improve your heart rate!

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