
HS07 lat pulldown

PRODUCT > HS SERIES > HS07 lat pulldown

HS07 lat pulldown

HS07 lat pulldown




Packing Size:2370×1320×270mm

Weight Stack:96kg+4.6kg

High pull trainer action:

1.Sit down before pulling down the training machine, and use wide handles with high pulleys. Adjust the knee pad to the proper position. Knee pads can prevent the body from rising due to resistance. 

2. Hold the handle with the palm of your hand forward. Pay attention when grasping: the distance between hands exceeds the shoulder width when holding wide; Hands are as wide as shoulders in middle grip. The distance between hands is less than shoulder width in narrow grip.

3. Hold the handle in front, straighten your arms, tilt your body and head back about 30 degrees, bend your lower back and hold your chest. This is the starting position of the action.

4. While exhaling, pull the shoulder and upper arm back and down, and pull down the handle until touching the upper chest. 

5. Pause for one second in the tightening posture, tighten the shoulder blades, slowly restore the handles to the starting position, straighten the arms, and fully extend the latissimus dorsi.

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